Release Notes - - Version v1.9.1
** Task
* [CWDOTCOM-153] - REST stopped working for mobile app
* [CWDOTCOM-155] - Rephrase wording on snipped intro page and improve display
Release Notes - - Version v1.9.0
** Task
* [CWDOTCOM-133] - The NamedQuery in the order by ID, this should be ordered by date
* [CWDOTCOM-134] - Wildfly application login fails after certain amount of time
* [CWDOTCOM-141] - Add REST endpoint to grab a single artilce
* [CWDOTCOM-142] - Move article image from header to top right of article text with 0.2 opacity
* [CWDOTCOM-143] - Improve how tag is displayed on the screen ie. new design
* [CWDOTCOM-147] - When highlighting text the highlight colour is black, not suitable
* [CWDOTCOM-148] - Add tags to lucene search
* [CWDOTCOM-149] - Add a slider to site to enable snippet access
* [CWDOTCOM-150] - Add side menu option for snippets
* [CWDOTCOM-151] - Remove snippets from article front page
** Sub-task
* [CWDOTCOM-137] - Modify the add/edit/delete page to include snippet checkbox
* [CWDOTCOM-138] - Create frontend popup to display snippet
* [CWDOTCOM-139] - New layout for a list of the snippets
* [CWDOTCOM-140] - Modify Article Dao and database structure to cater for snippets
* [CWDOTCOM-144] - Create a search box for the snippets page
* [CWDOTCOM-145] - Move popup div to front
Release Notes - - Version v1.8.1
** Task
* [CWDOTCOM-135] - Website privacy policy
Release Notes - - Version v1.8.0
** Bug
* [CWDOTCOM-131] - Growl message not working in main template
** Task
* [CWDOTCOM-127] - Record all login attempts
* [CWDOTCOM-128] - Extract specific values from the pom.xml
* [CWDOTCOM-129] - Search results should only return published articles
* [CWDOTCOM-130] - Add robots.txt and sitemap.xml
* [CWDOTCOM-132] - Change growl message colours
Release Notes - - Version v1.7.0
** Bug
* [CWDOTCOM-120] - Problem with icon when editing articles
* [CWDOTCOM-124] - When uploading image to new article popup doesnt open in new window
** Task
* [CWDOTCOM-17] - Implement search functionality
* [CWDOTCOM-117] - Minimise the Page index row when adding and editing articles
* [CWDOTCOM-118] - Move all the checkboxes into a single row
* [CWDOTCOM-119] - Increase session timeout for wildfly
* [CWDOTCOM-122] - Create REST endpoints for featured article and all articles
* [CWDOTCOM-123] - Sort out div sizes when page contents is displayed
Release Notes - - Version v1.6.0
** Task
* [CWDOTCOM-115] - Add CDI event observer to clear session list of articles
* [CWDOTCOM-116] - Add log4j for logging
Release Notes - - Version v1.5.0
** Bug
* [CWDOTCOM-111] - File upload has stopped working due to duplicate import of jquery
** Task
* [CWDOTCOM-40] - Add ability to archive currently published articles
* [CWDOTCOM-88] - Add delete/draft/archive/hide article buttons to top of show article page
* [CWDOTCOM-112] - Need a page to list all articles in tabular form
* [CWDOTCOM-113] - Add a draft flag so articles are not published
* [CWDOTCOM-114] - Add growl markup for front end messaging
Release Notes - - Version v1.4.0
** Task
* [CWDOTCOM-90] - Look into SSL
* [CWDOTCOM-107] - Add hamberger and side menu
* [CWDOTCOM-108] - Add jquery for div manipulation
* [CWDOTCOM-110] - Split out css and organise properly
Release Notes - - Version v1.3.1
** Task
* [CWDOTCOM-97] - Add ability to edit tags when editing an article
* [CWDOTCOM-105] - Ability to edit page index contents
Release Notes - - Version v1.3.0
** Task
* [CWDOTCOM-40] - Add ability to archive currently published articles
* [CWDOTCOM-82] - Add ability to deploy application live using maven
* [CWDOTCOM-87] - Add ScottFree logo to banner of front page
* [CWDOTCOM-89] - Add favicon to site
* [CWDOTCOM-92] - Add Google analytics
* [CWDOTCOM-96] - Add version number to the frontpage
* [CWDOTCOM-97] - Add ability to edit tags when editing an article
* [CWDOTCOM-98] - Add ability to add a sections column with smooth scrolling navigation
* [CWDOTCOM-99] - App falls over when database connection drops
* [CWDOTCOM-100] - Add index to article page index content items as order is being lost when editing
* [CWDOTCOM-101] - Remove contents index panel and tags to bottom if no indexes are defined
* [CWDOTCOM-102] - Make the version number hyperlinked to a report of version history
* [CWDOTCOM-103] - Add a flag to an article to stop the article being displayed on the frontpage
* [CWDOTCOM-104] - Add string parameter to showArticle.faces page to display a page by string
Release Notes - - Version v1.2.0
** Bug
* [CWDOTCOM-83] - Icon database column not big enough
* [CWDOTCOM-84] - After editing an icon for article A and moving onto article B the icon for artcile A still appears
* [CWDOTCOM-85] - Change footer from scot to scott
* [CWDOTCOM-91] - Trying to select an image when adding content doesnt work
* [CWDOTCOM-94] - After logging in an exception is thrown and forbidden error message displayed
* [CWDOTCOM-95] - Move image list xhtml page to secure area and also remove hardcoded url
** Task
* [CWDOTCOM-71] - Add tags section to articles
* [CWDOTCOM-73] - Revamp all banner to improve theme throughout
* [CWDOTCOM-74] - Add default deleted value when uploading new article
* [CWDOTCOM-76] - Can add articles without title and subtitle this shouldnt be possible
* [CWDOTCOM-77] - Add ability to edit icon when editing a document
* [CWDOTCOM-78] - When setting the featured flag for an article check current featured article
* [CWDOTCOM-79] - Configure DNS settings for
* [CWDOTCOM-80] - Create script to update DNS if IP changes
* [CWDOTCOM-81] - Create a tag controller to coordinate tag functionality
* [CWDOTCOM-86] - Move login link over to right hand side
* [CWDOTCOM-93] - After creating a new article forward browser on to the new article
Release Notes - Version v1.1.0
** Task
* [CWDOTCOM-17] - Implement search functionality
* [CWDOTCOM-18] - Admin section
* [CWDOTCOM-19] - Add article functionality
* [CWDOTCOM-21] - Delete article functionality
* [CWDOTCOM-45] - Add authentication and security constraints
* [CWDOTCOM-48] - Add basic login functionality to enable admin features
* [CWDOTCOM-55] - Tests tests tests
* [CWDOTCOM-63] - Add ability to upload article icon when creating an article
* [CWDOTCOM-64] - Fix application context name
* [CWDOTCOM-65] - If no article icon then return a default icon
* [CWDOTCOM-66] - Reference all images, css and resources correctly to eliminate relative path problems
* [CWDOTCOM-67] - Fix top bar navigation to include login link and admin links
* [CWDOTCOM-68] - Increase number of articles retrieved for frontpage
* [CWDOTCOM-69] - Order articles on the frontpage by id and in descending order
* [CWDOTCOM-75] - Uploading images to new articles loses the text
Release Notes - - Version v1.0.0
** Task
* [CWDOTCOM-5] - Add method to extract featured article from the database
* [CWDOTCOM-6] - Install mysql database and create application database
* [CWDOTCOM-41] - Replace default forge error page with custom page
* [CWDOTCOM-43] - Configure site navigation bars at top of site
* [CWDOTCOM-44] - Ability to add a new article
* [CWDOTCOM-46] - Source graphics for website
* [CWDOTCOM-47] - Apply some styling to the site to add a professional look
* [CWDOTCOM-50] - Register domain name!!
* [CWDOTCOM-51] - Create some random blobs
* [CWDOTCOM-52] - Move all admin issues out of sprint ready for deployment
* [CWDOTCOM-53] - Create a favicon for website
* [CWDOTCOM-54] - Sort out footer layout
* [CWDOTCOM-61] - Create script to update dns ip resolution for domain name